Jul 242015
Not yet Canada's Syriza, but a small step in that direction

  Talking Radical Radio interviews Kyle Buott. He is the president of the Halifax-Dartmouth and District Labour Council and a member of Solidarity Halifax. He talks about a recent gathering: 14 anti-austerity and anti-capitalist groups from across the country were hosted by Solidarity Halifax at a Congress of the Radical Left, to discuss building relationships […Read more]

Jul 172015

On Wednesday, students, workers, and low-income earners came together to fight for a $15 minimum wage. The Fair Wage Coaliton, made up of Solidarity Halifax, ACORN Nova Scotia, the Halifax-Dartmouth District Labor Council, the Canadian Federation of Students, and the Dalhousie Student Union held an information picket early Wednesday morning outside the McDonalds on Quinpool […Read more]

Jul 062015
Why I support IATSE and won't cross a picket at Egg Films

In March Egg Studios locked out 290 freelance film technicians, members of IATSE Local 849 after failing to reach a second collective agreement. Sébastien Labelle wrote a personal response originally posted on Facebook after being questioned about his support for IATSE. Sébastien is a self-employed actor and member of ACTRA. He is also VP (Culture & […Read more]

May 212015
STATEMENT: Rent Increases and Credit Checks At Metcap Living Precipitating Housing Crisis in Halifax

1. After a review by their head office in Toronto, Metcap Living Property Management has started declining tenants with bad credit scores. This comes after large rent increases; a one bedroom apartment in the notoriously bad Jackson Rd properties now starts at $680 plus power. 2. The Department of Community Services is refusing to provide […Read more]

May 122015
STATEMENT: Solidarity Halifax Supports Water & Wastewater Workers

Federal Infrastructure Funding Needed for Municipalities Talks have broken down between the city’s water workers and Halifax Water. The workers are members of two CUPE locals, Local 227 and Local 1431. In total there are more than 330 workers between the two locals.  The workers deal with water, waste water, and storm water systems across […Read more]