May 302012

Halifax & Sydney, NS – Community and labour organizations across Nova Scotia are calling for actions against Nova Scotia Power’s proposed 6% rate increases and for democratic, public ownership of the electrical utility.
Actions are planned for both Halifax and Sydney on June 7th.

Emera, the company which owns Nova Scotia Power, will hold its Annual General Meeting on June 7th in Halifax.  Individuals outside of Sydney and Halifax are encouraged to hold their own actions in their communities against this private, for-profit monopoly.


Thursday, June 7th at 12:00 noon
In front of the Provincial building, 360 Prince St

Thursday, June 7th at 2:00 pm
Near the Halifax ferry terminal
Both actions will include a sing-a-long of the youtube hit “Emera’s Profiteers”

“Nova Scotia Power’s rate increases will hurt families in our community, especially those with low or moderate incomes. No rate hikes to pay for corporate profits,” says Evan Coole, a member of Cape Breton ACORN.
“Nova Scotia Power made $121 million in profits in 2010, while paying their executives millions. With democratic public ownership, that money would stay here in Nova Scotia and be used for public priorities, like hospitals, schools and roads,” says Kyle Buott, President of the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council.
“Nova Scotia Power has been dragging its feet when it comes to investing in green energy and green jobs, while lobbying politicians to reduce environmental standards.  Public ownership will make green energy a priority,” says Brian Crouse, a member of Solidarity Halifax.
“We are opposed to rate hikes to pay for corporate profits and executive compensation packages. Electricity should be a public right, not a private, for-profit monopoly,” says Suzanne McNeil, President of the Cape Breton District Labour Council.

For more information please contact:
Evan Coole, Cape Breton, ACORN – (902) 549-4183
Kyle Buott, Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council – (902) 478-0239
Brian Crouse, Solidarity Halifax – (902) 222-1564
Suzanne McNeil, Cape Breton District Labour Council – (902) 270-5561


May 282012

Wednesday, May 30th at 6:00 pm: Dalhousie Student Union building room 306. Join us!

A discussion hosted by Solidarity Halifax on capitalism, resistance and the significance of Quebec’s student struggle.This event is meant to help generate a discussion in Halifax about the character and context of the events in Quebec and what it means for activists in Halifax


Facebook event here:

May 212012

For Immediate Release

May 23, 2012

Solidarity Halifax calls for Actions to Oppose Rate Hikes on June 7th

Halifax, NS – Solidarity Halifax’s Power to the People! Campaign is calling for actions against Emera/Nova Scotia Power’s proposed 6% rate hike and in support of democratic, public ownership of Nova Scotia Power.

The actions will coincide with Emera’s Annual General Meeting.

Solidarity Halifax members and community allies will do a mass sing-a-long of Emera’s Profiteers (now at almost 2000 views on Youtube). Participants are encouraged to dress up like pirates – corporate pirates – and there will be prizes for the best costumes.

It’s all taking place down on a Halifax pier at 2:00 pm on Thursday, June 7th (near the Halifax ferry terminal).

“Nova Scotia Power made over $120 million in profits in 2010 while paying their executives millions of dollars, then they have the nerve to demand a 6% power rate hike. Our message is clear, 20 years of a private, for-profit monopoly is enough. It’s time to return Nova Scotia Power to democratic, public ownership,” says Brian Crouse, a member of the Power to the People! Campaign.

Solidarity Halifax invites members of the public to participate in the mass sing-a-long and costume contest.

For more information contact:

Brian Crouse, Power to the People! Campaign, (902) 222-1564


Nova Scotia Power was privatized in 1992 for less than it was worth. Since then, NSP has made more than $2 billion in profits while increasing power rates six times in the last ten years. This will be the seventh and eighth increase since 2002. Earlier this month Nova Scotia Power announced a proposed rate hike increase of 6% over two years. The case goes to the Utility and Review Board on September 13.

– 30 –

Solidarity Halifax meets once every month in downtown Halifax to discuss general policies and targeted campaigns. New members are always welcome.

Our next general meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 27th, from 1-4 p.m. at the Johanna B. Oosterveld Centre at 2103 Gottingen St. Our June general meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 21st from 5-7 p.m. at the same location. For more information contact

Please visit our Power to the People campaign to help put Nova Scotia Power under public, democratically run ownership!