Sep 052012





The hearings on power rate increases at the Utility and Review Board are coming up – and so is the next step in the Power to the People Campaign!

All citizens have to 10 minutes to speak at the hearing on September 18th, and we’re organizing as many as we can to be there. This is a great chance to have our voices heard on this issue. In order to speak you must register by emailing or calling (902) 424-4448 on or before September 10th.

This is an easy gesture that can make a big splash! We’ll also be holding an information and training session on Monday, September 10 at 6PM at Chebucto Coffee (6340 Chebucto Rd.) for anyone who wants to practice a presentation or brush up on some facts. Or, give us a shout if you have any questions at all or want to read through some more information.

This should be fun – we’ll have strength in numbers on this one!


In this short 1.5 minute video, Brian Crouse of Solidarity Halifax explains the need to fight for public ownership of our power utilities.


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