Oct 192013


Solidarity Halifax and Ujamaa will be holding an anti-racism caravan this Saturday, October 19th departing at 2:30pm from Gouthro’s No Frills, 118 Wyse Rd, Dartmouth.

There can be no tolerance of acts motivated by racism such as that perpetrated against Garnetta Cromwell on October 7th, or those perpetrated earlier at Leon’s furniture store in Dartmouth. We make reference here to the painting of the word “Nigger” on Mrs Cromwell’s car, of the lynching of a Black effigy in Leon’s Dartmouth furniture store earlier this summer, and of the multiple reported acts of racial discrimination toward Black employees at the same Leon’s location over the last five years.

For those of us of European descent, horror and disgust can be our only responses to these acts of appalling bigotry. And these responses must be loud and clear.

Racism is a White problem. It is a problem of ongoing individual and systemic discrimination over hundreds of years in this province, and it is not going away.

Communities whose well-being has historically been undermined due to racial prejudice continue to face economic and political barriers that prevent social stability and prosperity. Governments at every level have not made sufficient attempts to undo the damage of centuries of imposed segregation, and employers at major retail stores avoid responsibility for acts of discrimination and hate-based threats in their workplaces in order to avoid loss of profit.

Racism is a White problem, because along with the disadvantage of a particular group or community comes the advantage, or privilege, of another. That is, if Black Nova Scotians have suffered, and continue to suffer, from systemic racism and exploitation, then White Nova Scotians have benefited, and continue to benefit, from that same racism and exploitation.

The onus for confronting racism is therefore on those of us finding ourselves in a position of privilege.

For these reasons, Solidarity Halifax will be leading an anti-racism caravan, where allies along with members of the African Nova Scotian community will express their solidarity with Mrs. Cromwell and denounce racism in our city.

WHERE: Departure from Gouthro’s No Frills, 118 Wyse Rd, Dartmouth.
WHEN: Saturday, October 19th at 2:30 p.m.


Oct 172013
Oct 172013



Solidarity Halifax
October 17,2013

Solidarity Halifax deplores the use of militarized violence against protesters near Elsipogtog, New Brunswick and re-iterates its statement of solidarity toward those putting their health and safety in jeopardy for the protection of land and water. The bravery and sacrifice of those blocking SWN contractors and tending to the sacred fire are an inspiration to all those who oppose capitalist and colonial exploitation and the dispossession of common land in the name of private profits.

We oppose attempts by self-interested political leaders to negotiate profit sharing agreements with oil and gas companies. Like the protesters on the ground, we reject the political opportunism of elected leaders who have sided with corporations against the people of New Brunswick. No amount of money can justify the damage that fracking has wrought on communities across North America, and there is no way to safely or responsibly desecrate the environment for profit.

For a century the RCMP have diligently worked to protect the interests of capital by serving as their armed enforcers against Canada’s First Nations and working people. Given this history, the videos, photos and first-hand accounts from the Elsipogtog Nation are disheartening but not surprising. The role that Canada’s national police force has played in serving as an armed escort for trucks owned by a massive multi-national corporation make it clear that those who place a higher priority on the health of people and the land will find no assistance from Canada, the police, or our elected political leadership. The province of New Brunswick and the Canadian state prioritize profit over freedom of speech, human health and responsible environmental stewardship.

Tomorrow, we will join a community-led rally in Halifax in show of solidarity to the Elsipogtog protesters and voice our indignation toward the use of violence by state forces.

Solidarity rally: Friday, October 18, 3pm at the Irving station at Robie and Charles.



Oct 162013

A moderated panel discussion and audience Q&A with thinkers, activists and political figures focused on contemporary problems faced by the Left in its struggles to construct a politics adequate to the self-emancipation of the working class. Hosted by the Platypus Affiliated Society.

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada – October 2, 2013

George CaffentzisMidnight Notes Collective
Shay EnxugaBaristas Rise Up
Larry Haiven – Solidarity Halifax / Saint Mary’s University

Co-sponsored by the Halifax Radical Imagination Project

>Listen to Audio here

Oct 152013

Platypus Halifax hosted a panel event which took place the University of Kings College in Halifax, Canada, on October 9, 2013.

Howard Epstein (outgoing NDP MLA for Halifax Chebucto)
Judy Haiven (Solidarity Halifax, Saint Mary’s University)
Alex Khasnabish (Halifax Radical Imagination Project, Mount Saint Vincent University)

>>Listen to audio here

This Nova Scotia election season saw an array of positions on the Left concerning the outcome that might follow from the victory of the NDP. Among them, there were some who openly supported the incumbent Darrell Dexter as the lesser of evils, others who opposed him by casting a vote for another candidate, and still others who followed the abstentionist line by not voting at all. Many of those who voted for the NDP did so under the assumption that the they were a broadly center-left party with vaguely social-democratic tendencies, who might be pushed to reverse neoliberal policies and stave off measures of austerity. Some, while generally less optimistic, endorsed the NDP on the premise that organizing a mass movement against capitalism would be easier with the NDP in power. Others argued that the NDP had done nothing to deserve reelection, offering no hope for either change or progress moving forward. The rest, who took no stance either for or against any party, chose instead to eschew electoral politics altogether.