Nov 302013

By Judy Haiven, associate professor in the Management Dept. at the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University and member of Solidarity Halifax.

This comment was sent as a letter to the editor and published in the Globe and Mail.

After Monday’s by-election wins, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said the NDP “is no longer the hopeful, optimistic party of Jack Layton, it is the negative, divisive party of Thomas Mulcair.”

How insulting – especially since it is Mr. Mulcair who has been holding down the fort in Parliament, and hammering the Prime Minister on wrongdoings in the Senate and in the PMO.

Mr. Mulcair is carrying on the fight for Mr. Trudeau, whose attendance during Question Period has been sporadic and whose participation in the debate on Senategate is all but non-existent.

— Judy Haiven, Halifax


Note: Articles published by Solidarity Halifax members do not necessarily reflect positions held by the organization.


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