Nov 282015


Join Evan, Solidarity Halifax, and other members of the Halifax North community on December 5th to hear about our vision for a fair and affordable city.

December 5, 3:00pm
Halifax North Memorial Branch Library
2285 Gottingen St.
All welcome. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served.

Across our community, people are struggling. Our neighbours are choosing between feeding their families and heating their homes. Many in our community have no access to safe and affordable housing, can’t find work, and cannot afford to access key services like transit and child care. Solidarity Halifax, a local, membership-based, anti-capitalist organization, wants something better for the city of Halifax.

That’s why Solidarity Halifax member, anti-poverty advocate and community organizer Evan Coole is running to be the next Councillor for District 8, Halifax North. Evan has spent long hours speaking up for residents all across our community as an anti-poverty advocate and legal aid worker in Halifax’s North End. Evan will work hard at city hall to make sure our people and our communities are prioritized over profit.

Imagine a city where there is safe and affordable housing for all.
Imagine a city with fair wages for workers.
Imagine a city where families can afford child care and transit.
Imagine a city where racism and sexism are actively challenged.
Imagine a city dedicated to addressing climate change and building a sustainable economy.

Solidarity Halifax is an anti-capitalist organization based in the Halifax Regional Municipality. We are engaging in municipal politics because we believe a better world is possible.

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