Sep 092016

Dear Friends and Comrades,

Solidarity Halifax decided a year ago to run a candidate in the upcoming elections to the Halifax Regional Council, which will take place on 15 October.  Solidarity Halifax member, Gabriel Enxuga, will be our candidate to represent District 5, Dartmouth Center.

Our decision to run formally in municipal politics was not taken lightly.  As leftists, we insist of the indispensability of building working-class power outside of state structures and are wary of the co-optative pitfalls of elections.

That being said, it is also our position that to be completely divorced from electoral politics is to be completely divorced from the day to day struggles of working, poor and oppressed peoples.   Elections are not an alternative to revolutionary politics but they do provide opportunities to draw people into the struggle.

Solidarity Halifax is running-to-win; this is no name-on-ballot campaign and we are not shying-away from our revolutionary aspirations.  Our candidate, Gabriel Enxuga, is a veteran union organizer who was baptized by fire in the Baristas Rise Up campaign, which ended with the successful organization of Coburg Coffee and Just Us Café but also with his dismissal. Gabriel then went on to work as a tenants’ rights and welfare rights organizer for Nova Scotia ACORN.  He is also an outspoken advocate for trans healthcare and is the first openly trans candidate for elected office in Nova Scotia.

Solidarity Halifax needs your help to put this campaign over the top.  Please consider donating to our campaign.  Whatever amount you can give will help us agitate, educate, and organize.

Three ways to donate;

1.       Go to and click on the pay pal button.  Write down “for Gabriel Enxuga’s campaign” in the notes of the donations.

2.       E-transfer money to Solidarity Halifax at Write down “for Gabriel Enxuga’s campaign” in the notes of the email.

3.       Mail a cheque to “Solidarity Halifax” at #13-1041 Tower Road, B3H 2Y6, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Write down “for Gabriel Enxuga’s campaign” in the memo field of the cheque.

·         Let’s build a city where public transit and recreation programs are free

·         Let’s build a city with fair wages for municipal workers

·         Let’s build a city where rent control ensures safe and affordable housing for all

·         Let’s build a city where racism and sexism are actively challenged

·         Let’s build a city dedicated to addressing climate change and building a sustainable economy

In gratitude and solidarity,

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