On the occasion of the inauguration of Donald Trump in the US, and in the lead-up to the Women’s March On Washington which is taking place on Saturday January 21st (with solidarity rallies in communities across North America, including here in Halifax), Solidarity Halifax has issued the “People’s Inauguration Manifesto” text below:
The People’s Inauguration Manifesto
On this bleak day we, the people, declare ourselves the authors of our own destiny.
We face the inauguration of Donald Trump with no illusion of silver linings. The next four years will bring fear, racist violence, deportations, denied abortions, and increasingly funded occupation, war, and genocide.
We believe resistance is crucial, now more than ever before.
We believe the people must unite to support our neighbours in the United States and combat the forces of hate here at home.
We believe it is necessary to resist not only Trump, but also the Trudeaus of the world. The Trudeaus who smile and talk of feminism while selling arms to a murderous regime like Saudi Arabia. The Trudeaus who smile and talk of tackling climate change while approving pipelines. The Trudeaus who smile and talk of reconciliation while allowing 60 percent of on-reserve First Nations children to live in poverty and dozens of First Nations communities to go without water. The broken promises and disappointments of Trudeau, of Obama, of Clinton, and of Stephen McNeil make Trump possible. We believe that capitalist governments are incapable of delivering the fundamental change so badly needed.
On this bleak day we, the people, commit to an unending struggle for justice.
The earth is for all of us to share and protect. This is our commitment.
The end of capitalism, an economic system which starves many so that few might feast. This is our commitment.
The construction of an egalitarian, democratic, global economy, so all will share fairly in the wealth we collectively create. This is our commitment.
Justice, equity, and the recognition of the full humanity of persons of all races, classes, genders, sexualities, and abilities. This is our commitment.
Justice for the enslaved, the imprisoned, and the migrant workers whose exploited labour created, and continues to create, so much of this country’s wealth. This is our commitment.
Justice for the Indigenous peoples upon whose stolen land we rally. This is our commitment.
Meaningful democracy for all. This is our commitment.
Solidarity forever to the oppressed everywhere. This is our commitment.
Solidarity Halifax is an anti-capitalist, membership-based organization based in the Halifax Regional Municipality committed to:
• Building alternatives to capitalism
• Democratic, non-sectarian and pluralist politics.
• Actively opposing all threats to the sustainability and health of our natural environment.
• Creating a culture of solidarity.
To read more about our campaigns and see upcoming events and actions, visit SolidarityHalifax.ca
Follow us on Facebook at http://Facebook.com/SolidarityHalifax or on Twitter at http://Twitter.com/SolidarityHFX
To contact Solidarity Halifax, email us at Info@SolidarityHalifax.ca
To become a member of Solidarity Halifax, contact the Membership Committee at Membership@SolidarityHalifax.ca