Guideposts for Anti-Racist Organizing Against Capitalism


Recognizing the intersections between economic oppression and racism, and recognizing the Left’s failures to properly or effectively address racism both within itself and within society at large, Solidarity Halifax proposes the following considerations for anti-capitalist organizing.

Click Here to download a PDF version of our flyer. Feel free to print and share.

Click on the thumbnails below for large-size images of each page.

AR Flyer p1

AR Flyer p2

 Posted by at 10:54 am

  One Response to “Guideposts for Anti-Racist Organizing Against Capitalism”

  1. […] Ultimately, Solidarity Halifax made the decision to withdraw our candidate from District 8. We are proud of the program we developed and are grateful to have recruited an excellent candidate in Evan Coole. However, we could not reconcile our campaign’s continuation with our anti-racist organizing principles. […]