
Dec 142015

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The Nova Scotia Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives recently published its Nova Scotia Alternative Budget 2016. The following Solidarity Halifax members are among the many contributors to the collective effort:

Kyle Buott, Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council
David Etherington, Canadian Federation of Students – Nova Scotia
Larry Haiven, Department of Management, Saint Mary’s University
Mary-Dan Johnston, nsapb Coordinator and ccpa-ns Research Officer
Kaley Kennedy, Dalhousie Students’ Union
Ben Sichel, Public school teacher

Download the document HERE


Note: Articles published by Solidarity Halifax members do not necessarily reflect positions held by the organization.

Dec 092015

Larry Haiven writes an op-ed in The Chronicle Herald in which he compares the NS Finance Minister to Henry VIII’s Thomas Cromwell. Larry is a professor in the Sobey’s School of Business at SMU and member of Solidarity Halifax.

Like many others, I love Hilary Mantel’s two Man-Booker prize-winning novels about Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII’s political fixer par excellence, as well as the six-part BBC television adaptation.

My mind turns to Thomas Cromwell as I watch Finance Minister Randy Delorey take on the workers who deliver our public services.

To some chroniclers, Henry’s chief minister was a nefarious manipulator. To others like Mantel, he was a virtuous manipulator. But one thing’s for sure. He could be relied upon to get the impossible done, make white seem black.

Give him a task, any task. Like preparing the King’s grabbing leadership of the church in England from the Pope. Like legitimizing Henry’s seizure of the booty from the monasteries. Like justifying the annulment of his patron’s marriage to Catherine and subsequent marriage to Anne Boleyn. Like later devising grounds to get the same Anne Boleyn’s head removed.

Until Cromwell’s own luck ran out in 1540, when Henry became impatient after one last intrigue, and Cromwell, too, lost his head.

Finance Minister Delorey is Premier Stephen McNeil’s Cromwell in trying to balance the provincial budget on the backs of public sector workers.

Here’s Delorey’s Cromwellian dilemma: Most of those workers, from doctors to teachers to crown attorneys, engage in some form of collective bargaining. The Supreme Court of Canada says collective bargaining and the right to strike are essential to democracy, protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. That means governments have to sit down and negotiate in good faith, not just pretend. And if you want to take away the right to strike, then you need to substitute something meaningful — like binding arbitration.

The Liberal government doesn’t seem to want to do collective bargaining. Witness the shotgun negotiations with the teachers. And it certainly doesn’t support the right to strike. But it also doesn’t want to risk arbitration, where a third party just might agree with some of the workers’ proposals.

Like many governments, it would like to suspend the whole messy business and impose a settlement by divine right in the tradition of Henry VIII. But even Henry needed a Cromwell to prevaricate and smother England’s budding democracy. So Delorey has mused about how collective bargaining is really “broken” (since it won’t do what the government wants.)

One Delorey gambit was to tell the workers that to avoid a cut in real wages, they would have to come up with ways of saving money for the government. Apparently they have done so. Except that the government really doesn’t want any ideas from the workers.

As with all provincial governments, Nova Scotia has jealously limited the scope of issues open to negotiation by its own workers, relying on the doctrine of management rights. To cite the Civil Service Master Agreement, “The management and direction of employees and operations is vested exclusively in the Employer, and any matter arising out of this shall not be the subject of collective bargaining.” Up to a few years ago, certain issues were barred by law from negotiation and arbitration.

And now Delorey wants us to believe he values the workers’ input. If only they would be reasonable and submit their necks to the blade, all would be well again in our kingdom.

But, as we saw with last year’s government attempt to gerrymander health care union representation, it can become a public relations fiasco. Now Nova Scotia’s teachers have defied the government, their own bargaining committee and executive and rejected a settlement.

And the NSGEU is delaying its ratification vote until it sees what happens with the teachers.

The recent sacking of Andrew Younger shows what transpires when Stephen McNeil becomes impatient with public relations fiascos. I wonder if Delorey felt his neck itch.


Note: Articles published by Solidarity Halifax members do not necessarily reflect positions held by the organization.


Nov 282015


Join Evan, Solidarity Halifax, and other members of the Halifax North community on December 5th to hear about our vision for a fair and affordable city.

December 5, 3:00pm
Halifax North Memorial Branch Library
2285 Gottingen St.
All welcome. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served.

Across our community, people are struggling. Our neighbours are choosing between feeding their families and heating their homes. Many in our community have no access to safe and affordable housing, can’t find work, and cannot afford to access key services like transit and child care. Solidarity Halifax, a local, membership-based, anti-capitalist organization, wants something better for the city of Halifax.

That’s why Solidarity Halifax member, anti-poverty advocate and community organizer Evan Coole is running to be the next Councillor for District 8, Halifax North. Evan has spent long hours speaking up for residents all across our community as an anti-poverty advocate and legal aid worker in Halifax’s North End. Evan will work hard at city hall to make sure our people and our communities are prioritized over profit.

Imagine a city where there is safe and affordable housing for all.
Imagine a city with fair wages for workers.
Imagine a city where families can afford child care and transit.
Imagine a city where racism and sexism are actively challenged.
Imagine a city dedicated to addressing climate change and building a sustainable economy.

Solidarity Halifax is an anti-capitalist organization based in the Halifax Regional Municipality. We are engaging in municipal politics because we believe a better world is possible.

Nov 052015

Coast SilverThank you to the readers of The Coast for once again choosing Solidarity Halifax as one of the city’s best activist organizations! This recognition is due to the hard work of all our members and allies who endlessly fight for justice in our city. Hats off to the Ecology Action Centre and South House whose work has also been recognized.

And congratulations to Solidarity Halifax member Evan Coole for winning Bronze in the Best Activist category! Evan is a tireless anti-poverty advocate whose contributions to Solidarity Halifax as well as to many other social justice organizations has been invaluable.


Photo: Lorraine Endicott