Apr 132015
STATEMENT: Solidarity Halifax response to the Liberal Austerity Budget

Stephen McNeil and the Liberal Party have introduced a draconian austerity budget for Nova Scotia. With major cuts, freezes, and changes to existing social programmes, this austerity agenda is doomed to fail and result in major pain for the working class in our province. It is a rehashing of the infamous John Savage years, when […Read more]

Mar 052015
What's Next for Greece's Grassroots Movements Against Austerity?

The Radical Imagination Project and Solidarity Halifax are pleased to invite you to a conversation about the recent Greek elections. Tuesday, March 24 from 5:30-7:30pm at Just Us! Coffeehouse, Spring Garden Road 5:30-6:30 – discussion with a grassroots organizer and scholar from Greece 6:30-7:30 – a discussion of the implications for Halifax, Nova Scotia and […Read more]

Jan 222015
VIDEO: What is Political Party for the Left?

Solidarity Halifax member Jackie Barkley joins Leo Panitch, Carlos Pessoa and Antoni Wysoci to discuss the role of political parties within the Left and what is means today for the Left to take political action. The panel discussion was hosted by the Dal/King’s Platypus Affiliated Society. Videos originally posted at the Halifax Media Coop. Panelists: […Read more]

Aug 082014

By Judy Haiven. She is a member of Independent Jewish Voices-Canada (Halifax chapter) and of Solidarity Halifax, and teaches at Saint Mary’s University. Originally published at the Halifax Media Coop. Why Mulcair is now backing medical care for wounded Palestinian children from Gaza — he just endorsed Israel bombing them It’s a kind of pornography. […Read more]