Feb 042015
Don't Let Them Tell You It Can't Be Done

Dalhousie student and Solidarity Halifax member John Hutton addressed the crowd during the February 4th Student Day of Action. Here is a transcript and video of his speech. Hello everyone thanks for being here! I’m John Hutton, I’m a 5th-year student in international development studies and economics and I’ve gotta say, what a beautiful sight! […Read more]

Jan 222015
VIDEO: What is Political Party for the Left?

Solidarity Halifax member Jackie Barkley joins Leo Panitch, Carlos Pessoa and Antoni Wysoci to discuss the role of political parties within the Left and what is means today for the Left to take political action. The panel discussion was hosted by the Dal/King’s Platypus Affiliated Society. Videos originally posted at the Halifax Media Coop. Panelists: […Read more]

Jan 072015
Nova Scotia stands to gain from national drug plan

James Hutt, provincial co-ordinator of the Nova Scotia Citizens’ Health Care Network and member of Solidarity Halifax co-authored this Chronicle Herald article advocating for a national drug plan. The article was co-authored with Dr. Monika Dutt, chair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare and a public health and family physician in Cape Breton. In December, Nova […Read more]

Nov 102014
STATEMENT: Private sector housing - not accountable, not liveable

On October 30th tenants of Hasan Yildiz’s rooming housing were evacuated by HRM by-law. Conditions in the rooming house were unlivable, with dangerous electrical wiring, frequent flooding, a narrow staircase, bedbugs, and overcrowding. Yildiz at one point even rented out a dirt floor cellar with no ventilation and only a kerosene heater. This is what […Read more]