Sep 182015

Katrin MacPhee and Mark Culligan, members of Solidarity Halifax, write in The Coast about Canada’s role in the Syrian refugee crisis.  This country deserves the blame for failing to act and contributing to a crisis. Alan Kurdi’s death on a Turkish beach has weighed heavily on the consciences of Canadians. The discovery that an NDP MP […Read more]

Aug 242015
Op-Ed: Unwinding the spin at Egg Films

  In March, Egg Studios locked out 290 freelance film technicians, members of IATSE Local 849 after failing to reach a second collective agreement. Sébastien Labelle writes on the ongoing dispute. Sébastien is a self-employed actor and member of ACTRA. He is also VP (Culture & Mayworks) at the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council, a member of Solidarity […Read more]

Aug 132015

Ben Sichel, member of Independent Jewish Voices Canada and of Solidarity Halifax, writes to the Chronicle Herald in support of former NDP candidate Morgan Wheeldon who faces accusations of anti-semitism following his comments about Israel’s assault on Gaza. Re: “NDP hopeful pulls out of race” (Aug.11). Jon Goldberg of the Atlantic Jewish Council makes a […Read more]

Aug 062015
Changing the Face of Labour Law in Nova Scotia

Authored for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternative – NS by Solidarity Halifax supporter Judy Haiven and member Larry Haiven.   Since the Nova Scotia Liberal government was elected in October 2013, it has brought down a breathtaking barrage on labour, restricting the right to strike, curtailing collective bargaining rights, demonizing public sector workers, gerrymandering […Read more]