Nov 102014
STATEMENT: Private sector housing - not accountable, not liveable

On October 30th tenants of Hasan Yildiz’s rooming housing were evacuated by HRM by-law. Conditions in the rooming house were unlivable, with dangerous electrical wiring, frequent flooding, a narrow staircase, bedbugs, and overcrowding. Yildiz at one point even rented out a dirt floor cellar with no ventilation and only a kerosene heater. This is what […Read more]

Nov 032014

Larry Haiven on CBC Radio’s Information Morning critiqued the recent CFIB study purporting to show Halifax “lacks entrepreneurial spirit.” Larry is professor in the faculty of management at Saint Mary’s University and a member of Solidarity Halifax. LISTEN HERE > CBC Information Morning Nova Scotia   Note: Statements by Solidarity Halifax members do not necessarily […Read more]

Oct 152014
“Was my school named after a slaveowner?” A closer look at the place names around us

By Ben Sichel. Originally published at no need to raise your hand Ben is a teacher in Dartmouth and author of the P-12 education section for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ Alternative Provincial Budget. A few weeks ago, Halifax journalist Tim Bousquet wrote a brief piece about the history of slavery in Nova Scotia. Bousquet […Read more]