Apr 142015
Cramming for exams in the age of austerity

On the morning of April 13, several university students occupied Nova Scotia Finance Minister Diana Whalen’s office, in protest to the recently-released provincial budget. The Halifax Media Coop interviewed John Hutton, incoming vice-president of the Dalhousie Student Union, and Dr. Alex Khasnabish, Department Chair of Sociology and Anthropology at Mount Saint Vincent University. John Hutton […Read more]

Apr 142015
Workers in Nova Scotia Fight to Raise the Minimum Wage

By Shay Enxuga for Rankandfile.ca Shay is a community organizer and member of Solidarity Halifax. On April 1, minimum wage workers in Nova Scotia got a raise. But unfortunately for Omar Joof, and thousands of other workers, the meagre 20 cent increase still isn’t enough to make ends meet. Sitting in a McDonald’s off Lacewood Drive, […Read more]

Mar 302015
STATEMENT: Solidarity Halifax Opposes Liberal Austerity Agenda

Download PDF here. The Liberal government plans to continue its austerity agenda in the coming provincial budget. Austerity is the ruling class solution to the Great Recession of 2008. Instead of reining in the big banks and corporations, the ruling class seeks to blame working people for this economic crisis. It was finance capital, not […Read more]

Mar 052015
What's Next for Greece's Grassroots Movements Against Austerity?

The Radical Imagination Project and Solidarity Halifax are pleased to invite you to a conversation about the recent Greek elections. Tuesday, March 24 from 5:30-7:30pm at Just Us! Coffeehouse, Spring Garden Road 5:30-6:30 – discussion with a grassroots organizer and scholar from Greece 6:30-7:30 – a discussion of the implications for Halifax, Nova Scotia and […Read more]

Feb 272015
Profit hoarding, homelessness and precarious housing

Two members of Solidarity Halifax were featured during the 2015 CKDU Homlessness Marathon and shared their thoughts on the systemic causes of homelessness and precarious housing. The yearly overnight broadcast is shared on campus and community stations from coast to coast, creating linkages and raising awareness of homelessness in Canadian communities. Listen to the segments […Read more]