Jan 222015
VIDEO: What is Political Party for the Left?

Solidarity Halifax member Jackie Barkley joins Leo Panitch, Carlos Pessoa and Antoni Wysoci to discuss the role of political parties within the Left and what is means today for the Left to take political action. The panel discussion was hosted by the Dal/King’s Platypus Affiliated Society. Videos originally posted at the Halifax Media Coop. Panelists: […Read more]

Aug 172014
From Anti-Austerity to Anti-Capitalism: Building a local left organization

Don’t miss this talk at the Peoples Social Forum by Solidarity Halifax and Ottawa-based Solidarity Against Austerity. Despite the economic crisis of 2008 and the austerity turn by governments, the left in Canada has had plenty of difficulty building organizations capable of fighting back. How can the left rebuild local organizations capable of building a […Read more]

May 272014
VIDEO: Unions. Capitalism. Young Workers.

Unions are one of the only remaining democratic institutions under capitalism strong enough to take on neo-liberal policies. But are unions rising to the challenge? Especially when it comes to young workers? Faced with an increased casualization of work and chronic unemployment, young workers have less and less access to unions and to unionized workplaces. […Read more]

May 262014
This is about facing, not defacing history

In anticipation of Wednesday’s open consultation to “rejuvenate” Cornwallis Park, we are posting this piece by Solidarity Halifax member Ben Sichel written in 2011 for The Chronicle Herald during the campaign to rename Cornwallis Junior High School (now Halifax Central Junior High). Originally posted at no need to raise your hand. Don’t miss this educational […Read more]