Jul 112012


July 12th National Day of Action

Halifax: July 12th 7:30 pm Rally at Grand Parade Square
8:00 pm march through Halifax with candles and
flashlights to the Mi’kmaq Native Friendship Centre.

We want cultural programs for Aboriginal kids in our city!
Recently, Friendship Centres across the country were alerted that the federal government would be cutting their funding for youth programs. The Mi’kmaq Native Friendship Centre’s Kitpu Youth Program is now in peril and our community is mobilizing to ensure its survival.


Msit No’kmaq
The spirit of our youth is the future of all our cultures

On July 12th, 2012 walk with fire and light to show Stephen Harper that ALL OF OUR CITIES value aboriginal culture and support our youth.

“Apology is Hypocrisy, Cuts are Colonial:
Restore the Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth Programs!”

For more information:


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