Nov 142012

Check out the following two events, featuring Solidarity Halifax members John Hutton and Jackie Barkley.

Democracy and the Left

What are the potential futures for “democratic” revolution, especially as understood by the Left?

A moderated panel discussion hosted by the Platypus Affiliated Society at Dalhousie.

November 14, 7pm
Rm 307 Student Union Building
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS

Matthew Furlong (Foundation Year and Contemporary Studies Programme, King’s University)
David Howard (Historical and Critical Studies, NSCAD University)
John Hutton (student activist, Dalhousie)
Clare O’Connor (Toronto activist and author)


Let’s Talk: White Privilege and Racism – Who’s We?

Event hosted by the Dalhousie Student Union.

Jackie Barkley talks about the importance of reflection on racial privilege when organizing in our communities and how to encourage anti-racist practices.

Jackie will share stories from her years of anti-racist work in the Halifax community as a member of the Metro Coalition for a Non Racist Society, as well as reflections on the history of racism in Nova Scotia.

WHERE: Dalhousie SUB, Room 224
WHEN: Tuesday Nov. 20, 7:00 PM

Part of the Let’s Talk! series: talking about issues and ideas that we should talk about more often (but usually don’t).


Note: Statements and activities of Solidarity Halifax members do not necessarily reflect positions held by the organization.

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