Dec 242012

Idle No More Halifax held a press conference on Friday, December 21, 2012. Sebastien Labelle spoke on behalf of Solidarity Halifax.

“At Solidarity Halifax, we believe another world is possible. We believe it’s possible to build a society where our economy is not structured to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few; where inequality does not foster and perpetuate discriminatory and colonial attitudes; and where the sustainability of a perpetual drive for profit does not supersede the sustainability and health of our natural environment. We believe a different world is possible. The Harper government, however, does not. If today is to mark the end of any world, it should be to mark the end of the world that Stephen Harper wants us to live in. It should be a marker for the beginning of a world governed through democratic and pluralist politics, and imbued with a culture of solidarity and respect.”


Photos from #IdleNoMore Halifax events.

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