Jan 042013

idle no more

Solidarity Halifax invites everyone to a teach-in in support of
Idle No More.

Thursday, January 10 7pm-9pm
Scotia Bank Auditorium, Marion McCain Building, Dalhousie University, 6135 University Ave, Halifax

During an evening of education, action and ceremony, teachers will share information and analysis on the economic and political structures that have and continue to shape a colonial relationship between First Nations and Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian state. The upsurge in parliamentary legislation in the form of Bill C-45 and other proposed bills is a recent manifestation of this relationship. Join us in considering what role do a colonial legacy and a capitalist economy have to play in creating the conditions out of which Idle No More emerges and faces its challenges.

Guest speakers:
-Marina Young, Idle No More
-Rebecca Moore, Idle No More
-Tayla Paul, Idle No More
-Billy Lewis, Elder
-Megan Leslie MP, NDP Environment Critic
-Dr Erin Wunker, Canadian Studies Coordinator, Dalhousie University
-Sébastien Labelle, Solidarity Halifax


Students interested in supporting Idle No More, engaging in aboriginal solidarity work, brainstorming future solidarity actions and promoting this event are invited to gather for a meeting this Monday, January 7th  at 7pm. Dalhousie Student Union Building, room 314 (NSPIRG office).

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