Apr 282013

An unfair labour practise complaint alleges that JustUs! has dismissed two employees for initiating discussions about forming a union. Both non-members of the co-operative sought out assistance from the Service Employees International Union before being abruptly terminated.

Since before Confederation, Canadian workers have fought to establish the right to join the union of their choice and the right to bargain collectively. For more than three decades, these rights have been enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Nova Scotia Trade Union Act forbids the dismissal of workers who discuss and take further steps to  organize collectively in the workplace.

From the largest multinationals to the smallest co-operatives, it is the legal obligation of employers to know and to respect the rights of Nova Scotia’s workers when it comes to freedom of speech, freedom of association, and the right to unionize.

Solidarity Halifax calls on Just Us! to:

a) reinstate the dismissed workers immediately, rather than wait for the determination of the Nova Scotia government, and

b) voluntarily recognize any union chosen by workers as the appropriate bargaining agent of employees across the co-operative’s operations.

Solidarity Halifax welcomes any and all efforts that seek to organize long-neglected wage workers who sling coffee each and every day. And it welcomes all who enable workers to  exercise their right to collectively determine the terms and conditions under which they sell their labour power. Solidarity Halifax recognizes that both trade unions and worker  co-operatives can become organizations for worker emancipation in the face of capitalism.

Solidarity Halifax asks everyone to attend a rally at the JustUs! investors meeting at 11:30am, Sunday, April 28 in Grand Pré and to contact general manager Debra Moore to voice your opposition to anti-worker activity: (902) 542-7474 Ext. 227, deb@justuscoffee.com



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