Jul 192013

Exploring the tensions between electoral politics and social movements

A Solidarity Halifax event

Thursday, August 8, 6PM
Halifax North Memorial Public Library – 2285 Gottingen Street

>Facebook Event<

In the lead up to the upcoming provincial election, Solidarity Halifax invites you to a panel discussion exploring how the left, and in particular the anti-capitalist left, should orient itself towards electoral politics in these times of crisis.

Roger Rashi, Québec solidaire
Jackie Barkley, Solidarity Halifax

Roger Rashi is a founding member of the political party Québec solidaire and sits on the steering committee of the riding of Mercier which first elected Amir Khadir to the Quebec National Assembly in December 2008 and reelected him with a bigger majority in 2012. The party, which was formed in 2006, currently holds two seats in the Quebec legislature.

Jackie Barkley is a long time activist and member of groups working against racism, poverty and capitalism over a 45 year period – while continuing to work in electoral politics as part of that struggle. She is a founding member of Solidarity Halifax.

The tensions:
While systemic change rarely comes from elections, is there still a need for radicals to participate in electoral politics? Can electoral politics be used to shift public debate toward an anti-capitalist analysis? Are social movements and revolutionary politics fundamentally at odds with electoral politics? Or can political parties or left groups with political wings still be used to grow social movements and our ability to take collective action?


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