Originally posted at the Halifax Media Co-op. On April 7 2015, Solidarity Halifax member Kyla Sankey hosted a discussion on Venezuela’s National Liberation Struggle and Obama’s war in the Americas. Does this nation represent a threat, or a hope for peoples’ struggles across the world? Hosted by: John Kirk Isaac Saney Errol Sharp Chris Walker […Read more]

By Shay Enxuga for Rankandfile.ca Shay is a community organizer and member of Solidarity Halifax. On April 1, minimum wage workers in Nova Scotia got a raise. But unfortunately for Omar Joof, and thousands of other workers, the meagre 20 cent increase still isn’t enough to make ends meet. Sitting in a McDonald’s off Lacewood Drive, […Read more]

Tuesday, April 7 6.30-8.30 pm At the Halifax Central library, room 201 Find the event on Facebook President Obama has recently declared that Venezuela represents a threat to US national security and decreed sanctions against Venezuelan officials. In this public forum we invite you to join us in taking a closer look at the motives […Read more]

The Radical Imagination Project and Solidarity Halifax are pleased to invite you to a conversation about the recent Greek elections. Tuesday, March 24 from 5:30-7:30pm at Just Us! Coffeehouse, Spring Garden Road 5:30-6:30 – discussion with a grassroots organizer and scholar from Greece 6:30-7:30 – a discussion of the implications for Halifax, Nova Scotia and […Read more]