Jan 282015


Solidarity Halifax is hosting a reading group on Naomi Klein’s new book:
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate

(Free books and audiobooks provided -Space is limited!)

What is Capitalism and how does it relate to climate change? What alternatives exist and how do they work? What is the difference between Climate Justice and environmentalism? What can we do to prevent further climate destruction based on free-market economics?

Come explore these questions with members of Solidarity Halifax, an anti-Capitalist organization, and activists of all stripes. We’ll reflect on the book, discuss the root causes of climate change, tie in past movements that have succeeded in creating more equal societies, and analyze what we can do to take back our collective future.
Meetings: once every 2 weeks. Location TBD
All welcome!

For more information & to sign up, email: JamesRobertHutt@gmail.com

About the book: Coming on the heels of the world’s largest climate mobilization, with 400,000 people marching through New York – along with thousands of actions across the world – This Changes Everything reflects and advances the hope that this new movement can change everything: “The climate movement offers an overarching narrative in which everything from the fight for good jobs to justice for migrants to reparations for historical wrongs like slavery and colonialism can all become part of the grand project of building a nontoxic, shockproof economy before it’s too late.”

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate is a must-read guide to the climate justice movement. It summarizes the science of climate change, the extractivist industries driving it, the system to which they are connected, and the growing resistance. Through her dynamic style, Naomi Klein describes the changes in the climate, the changes in the movement, and inspires us to change ourselves as well.

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